Creating a New Client

Creating a New Client

Congratulations on your new client! Now to enter them into your database.

Adding and keeping track of your client database is simple and easy with Webcruise+. First things first, you will need to navigate to your Client Screen. After this, you can either click on Add in your menu bar and select "Client", you can click the plus button towards the top left of your screen and select "Client", or you can click on the "Insert" button on your keyboard if shortcuts are more your thing!

After selecting to add a new client, you will have a New Client window pop up on your screen. Within this window, you can add all of your client's information. You can also click on the "Add More Contacts" button to add additional contacts to the same client ID all in one shot!.

Once you've created your new client, you can use this information to add new bookings, market to them and more!

As always, if you have any questions about this or if it gives you any trouble, you can always contact a member of our friendly support team by sending an email to, by sending us a chat message from your WebCruise+ page, or by using the Capture Feedback button on your screen.

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