Back to Back Sailing Function

Back to Back Sailing Function

The back to back itineraries function will give you the ability to invoice back to back sailings within one booking.

To enable this feature, you will need to access your Agency Settings and select the checkbox for "Enable Back to Back Itineraries" in the System Preferences tab within the Booking Screen section. If you do not have access to do this, please consult with your system administrator.

To use the Back to Back Itineraries feature, you will need to add the first part of the sailing as normal. For step by step instructions on how to create a new booking, check out this article here!

Once the first portion of the sailing is entered for the booking, you will click on Add in the menu bar followed by "Back-to-Back Itinerary". Alternately, you can click on the plus button that you will now see in the booking index as shown below to add the back to back sailing as well.


In the window that appears, you can select the ship, sail date and other info that pertains to the next sailing in the invoice. Once you have entered the relevant information, you click on Save & Close.

**NOTE: If you have more than one additional sailing to add, you can click on the arrow to the right of "Save & Close" and you will have the option for Save & New, which will allow you to enter the additional sailings without having to close and re-open the window.

When the sailings have all been added, you will be able to see them located in the booking index section on the left side of the booking screen. The first booking's information will show arrow indicators to scroll to the next booking's sailing information. You will also see "1 of 2" at the bottom right of this section which will indicate how many additional sailings are input into the booking.

When viewing the information for additional sailings, you will see new buttons appear that will allow you move between sailings, edit and delete sailings. Please note that you will not see this option for the primary sailing in the invoice as that is the sailing the booking is created with.

When multiple itineraries are listed in an invoice, all will appear in order by sail date within the Daily Itinerary tab of the booking screen. The HTML Invoice will also appear with the itineraries in this order.

As always, if you have any questions about this or if it gives you any trouble, you can always contact a member of our friendly support team by sending an email to, by sending us a chat message from your WebCruise+ page, or by using the Capture Feedback button on your screen.

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